Egypt: A No Win situation

After recent developments in Tunisia there are now massive protests in Egypt. At first the numbers were small and dismissed by the government, but since the Muslim Brotherhood got  involved protests have swelled. While there’s no reason, so far, to think Mubarak’s government will fall it’s likely the Muslim Brotherhood would fill any power vacuum if it did. Unfortunately, while Mubarak’s corrupt regime is hardly ideal, there’s little guarantee one under the Muslim Brotherhood would be better.

When regimes in the Middle East fall it’s rare a new government becomes democratic and accountable to its people. Egypt itself is an example: After Gamal Nasser and his officers overthrew the British puppet regime in 1952 promises of economic development and freedom were eventually put aside and replaced by an authoritarian state. Ba’athist revolutions in Syria and Iraq, Colonel Gaddafi’s rise to power in Libya, and the Iranian Revolution had the same results: The new rulers ended up being just as bad, often worse, than their predecessors. Given this poor record it’s hard to think the Muslim Brotherhood will be an exception.

Some point out most revolutions in the Middle East were by Arab Nationalists and Socialists, not Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood. They suggest secular regimes become corrupt while religious ones keep the support of the people. This is false. The best-known Islamic Revolution, the Iranian Revolution, was popular at first, but most Iranians today want more political freedom and economic opportunities.

Religious based regimes in the Middle East aren’t more successful than their secular counterparts: Saudi Arabia has traditionally been more oppressive to its people than Syria or Iran, Hamas hasn’t delivered for the Palestinians in Gaza, and Hezbollah’s inclusion in Lebanon’s government hasn’t led to more peace and stability for the country. I’m not arguing Islam is bad, only that theocratic governments (whether Christian, Islamic or others) are not inherently democratic, stable or prosperous. Religion has a place in societies but there are valid reasons to separate church and state.

One reason to fear a Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt is the history of its organization. One of its early members, Sayyid Qutb, laid out doctrine for modern day Jihad and influenced Osama bin Laden, among other Islamic terrorists. Like Al-Qaeda it wants to re-establish the Caliphate, and has a hateful view towards Jews, Christians, and the West. It’s hard to see such a government maintaining positive relationships with Israel and the West.

Some believe if America engaged with such a regime they could find common ground. History suggests otherwise. America has tried courting such regimes and the usual results aren’t encouraging.

After the Shah was overthrown by the Ayatollah in Iran, the U.S. initially made efforts to live with the new regime. However, the theocrats in Tehran, realizing their legitimacy rested with hatred against Israel and the West, stormed the U.S. embassy and cut off relations with Israel, which had been a former ally. Other examples include regrettable support America gave to Saddam Hussein, and futile efforts to engage Syria. Even in the case of Cuba the Americans initially tried to win over Fidel Castro. It was only after Castro nationalized U.S. interests in Cuba unilaterally that America imposed the embargo.

Some point out the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt has renounced violence and has committed itself to come to power through political means. Even if it were true that doesn’t mean they would remain peaceful if they came to power. It’s normal for such movements to discard violence when they’re weak, but most have no qualms using violence once they come to power.  Usually it starts out small like attacking former elites, then escalates against new rivals, and finally against anyone seen as a threat. The P.L.O, Hamas, the Ayatollah, who all renounced violence before, used it after gaining political power.

What would happen to the Middle East if the Muslim Brotherhood came to power in Egypt? Would it succeed where similar movements have failed and bring democracy and economic prosperity to the Egyptians, and maintain positive relations with Israel and the West.  There are precedents where this happened, at least initially. The U.S. supported Nasser at first, and Israel believed they could work with him, until pressure from the Arab World and Palestinians forced him to oppose them.

This would be the likely result if the Muslim Brotherhood came to power. Even if they wanted good relations with Israel and the West, pressure from the Arab masses, and likely continuation of economic stagnation, would force the Brotherhood to turn against the “Jews and Capitalists.”  The only question is to what degree? Would they merely adopt the usual position of most regimes in the region that pay lip service to fighting for the Palestinians and the honour of the Muslim world? Or would they actively undermine Israel and America like Syria, Hizbillah, Hamas and Iran?

Most regimes tacitly back Washington because they’re either too weak, or dependent upon American aid. Egypt is the most powerful Arab country. It should be remembered Egypt held Iran’s current position of causing most trouble for America and Israel in the region for nearly thirty years until Anwar Sadat realized the horrific price it cost his nation and made peace. His reward for saving his country from further conflict was universal scorn and assassination by militants. His fate was not lost on other despots in the region.

However, while Egypt is strong it’s also dependent upon considerable American aid. While Washington would probably be tempted to end this if the Brotherhood came to power this would probably be a mistake. Since 1978 America has given Egypt over 80 billion dollars in military and economic assistance. Continued aid would be a significant bargaining chip America would have with the new regime.

Unfortunately, this alone doesn’t guarantee the Muslim Brotherhood would remain friendly.  Like Cuba after the embargo, and Iran (which had been another significant recipient of U.S. aid) after the Shah, Egypt could find other donors with deep pockets. This includes oil rich Iran, or even Russia or China. Either way it’s possible the Egyptians, or at least Arab public opinion, would demand an end to U.S. aid to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood from looking like another American puppet in the region.

This means a new government in Egypt would likely turn its back on the alliance with America, and relatively peaceful relationship with Israel. But again we have to ask to what degree would the Brotherhood oppose them? While it’s reasonable to suggest they would be relatively restrained at first, focused on cementing their rule, once this was achieved there’s no way to tell what would happen afterwards. It’s possible they would remain content with passive lip service to the Palestinian cause and other sore points.

But is that realistic? Is it realistic a powerful, proud nation like Egypt that just threw off the shackles of a U.S. backed dictator, would retreat into isolationism? Realistic for a movement that proposes re-establishing the Caliphate, ending Western influence in the region, and fighting Israel, to remain passive while the Palestinians have no homeland and with ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Is it realistic for a country that historically dominated the region to let others shape its destiny? To these questions there’s a good chance the answer would by no.

Most likely after a period of stabilization the new regime in Egypt would back Syria and Iran’s goals of ridding western influence, destroying Israel, and dominating the region. Initially Egypt would focus on supporting Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations fighting Israel and America. A conventional war with Israel would be unlikely (given the poor record of Egypt’s Army against the I.D.F.), though not impossible; many conflicts in the region begin by accidents and poor calculations by leaders. If Egypt closed the Suez Canal or the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, as it did in 1967, it could provoke Israel into war.

The consequences of Egypt joining the rogue countries of the Middle East would redraw the balance of power in the region. Israel would again be confronted by the prospect of fighting a two front war, and many of the moderate regimes would find themselves isolated. America would have to consider diverting significant forces, perhaps a carrier group, to the Eastern Mediterranean on a semi-permanent basis to deter Egypt. Terrorist groups and other rogue nations would get a tremendous boost to their morale and increase their destructive efforts.

Ironically any move towards a satisfactory arrangement between the Palestinians and the Israelis would be quashed. Israel would return its focus on security, and the Palestinians and Arabs would demand no compromises as the balance would shift more in their favour.

This is what’s at stake. Either Mubarak’s regime survives, along with the current balance of power, or the Muslim Brotherhood comes to power and increases the likelihood of conflict in the region. In an ideal situation Mubarak would slowly pave the way to legitimate democracy, or at least relative prosperity, but this is very unlikely. Maybe his successor would be more open to real reform but only time would tell. Unfortunately, the alternatives are potentially much worse.  

There is simply no compelling evidence, historical or modern, to suggest the Muslim Brotherhood would be democratic, peaceful, or enlightened rulers. For the Egyptians, it’s a no win situation.

Hypocrisy in the Middle East

We’ve heard it before. Every problem in the Middle East can be blamed on the West, the United States, and Israel. Britain and France carved up the Middle East after World War 1 and milked it for resources. America sponsored coups against legitimate governments and supported wicked regimes to fight Communism (not to mention the Iraq War). Israel gets special censure for its deplorable treatment of Palestinians, and countless wars against its neighbors.

Much of this is true. There’s little doubt the West and Israel have much to answer for their conduct in the Middle East. But can all troubles in the region be conveniently blamed on outside influence or Israel? To suggest the undemocratic regimes of the Middle East, with their incredible oil wealth, and considerable military power, have always been the victims is absurd.

Since the late 1940s most countries in the Middle East have been sovereign states. There have been coups, and at least in Iraq the overthrow of a sovereign country by America, but overall the states in the region have enjoyed freedom to do what they want. What have these countries done for the last seven decades?

Have they built legitimate liberal democracies? No. Have they generally emancipated women or oppressed minorities? No. Have they shared wealth equally among elites and the masses? No.  Have they built modern, diverse economies that aren’t dependent upon oil prices? Mostly not.

Have they built huge standing armies to fight Israel and each other? Yes. Have they constructed massive security apparatuses to control their peoples? Yes. Have they built palaces and other luxuries for elites while their people wallow in poverty? Yes. Have they supported terrorist groups against Israel, America, and even each other? Many times.

This doesn’t mean all states in the region are wicked, corrupt, and inefficient. Countries like Turkey, Jordan and the Gulf States are relatively progressive, and most are generally peaceful. To be fair many problems infecting the region can be seen in Asia, Africa, South America, and increasingly in Europe and America!

However, despite seventy years of independence the Middle Eastern regimes have squandered their resources on enriching decadent elites, and futile wars against Israel and each other. They could’ve used their oil money on building prosperous societies, diverse economies, and democratic institutions instead. But that would’ve threatened the rule of their undemocratic regimes led by corrupt monarchs, dictators and rubber stamp parliaments.

While the western media often focuses on how many muslims have been killed by America and Israel, it misses the fact during the last seventy years muslims killed more muslims than the West and Israel combined.

The Iran-Iraq War (1980-88) saw more muslim deaths then all Arab-Israeli wars combined. There was the Yemen, Lebanon, and Jordanian Civil Wars, Afghanistan after the Russian withdrawal, the Egyptian-Libyan conflict, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the ongoing Syrian Civil War, and many others. One could argue Iraqis and foreign insurgents have killed more Iraqis than America has. This includes Saddam Husseins crackdowns on the Kurds, the cruelties of ISIS, and ongoing fighting since America withdrew in 2011.

This doesn’t even include the Palestinians. While the masses in the region go on about Israeli atrocities against Palestinians, history shows the Arabs haven’t treated them well either.

In the 1948-49 war where Israel was created Egypt and Jordan occupied the Gaza Strip and West Bank respectively. These areas had a majority of Palestinian inhabitants, and were supposed to form most of what was to be the Palestinian nation as deemed by the U.N. Did Egypt and Jordan hand over power to the Palestinians and help them create an independent state? No. Did they annex both territories and use them as springboards for terrorism against Israel? Yes. It should be noted while countries in the region spent much money funding Palestinian terror, they’ve done little to alleviate the poor living conditions of the Palestinians themselves.

After the Six-Day War (1967) Israel conquered the Gaza Strip and West Bank, and Egypt and Jordan washed their hands of them. To this day the Arab occupation and pillaging of these territories is barely mentioned in western media.

As for death counts Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon killed many Palestinians over the years. Jordan killed nearly as many Palestinians during its Civil War (1970-1971) as Israel did during both intifadas. Syria killed countless Palestinians in refugee camps during its occupation of Lebanon.  During the Lebanese Civil War local militias butchered the Palestinians on many occasions, including the infamous slaughter at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps during Israel’s invasion of Lebanon (1982).

Finally, we shouldn’t forget about the Kurds. Countries like Iraq and Turkey have used brutal means to crush Kurdish independence movements. The poison gas attack against the Kurdish town of Halabja (killing perhaps 5000) by Saddam Hussein is the most tragic example. Syria and Egypt have also used chemical weapons in the region, Israel and America have not.

It’s beyond hypocritical that people and rulers in the Middle East are so outraged by Western and Israeli actions, but conveniently forget their states have killed more muslims, and many  Palestinians and others. It’s even more incredible the majority of people in the Western world don’t know these simple facts; often being content assuming America and Israel are always to blame.

That many people in the region believe these lies is more forgivable; their media is under state control and they’re often raised to hate Israel and the West. That many in the Western world believe these lies despite an overwhelming open media… well, that’s deplorable.

A final point is how people in the region feel they’re portrayed in the media. It goes without saying there’s no lack of intolerant, or ignorant people in the West who don’t know the first thing about Islam, or Arab and Muslim values. It’s not unfair for muslims and arabs to suggest they are often victims of discrimination. Islamophobia and racism against arabs and others in the region is just wrong. As is the suggestion that Islam is inherently violent, or more than a small percentage of muslims sympathize with terrorism!

On the other hand the way the West, and especially Jewish people, are depicted in Arab media is even less flattering. Everyone should remember the stupid cartoon made in Denmark that criticized the Prophet of Mohammed. In the aftermath the Arab Street went berserk and attacked embassies, threatening violence against the West. All of Western society was deemed culpable for a single cartoon drawn by one man in Copenhagen!

While it’s supposedly unacceptable for Western media to draw cartoons offensive to Islam, it’s apparently fine for Arab media to draw racist caricatures of Jewish people with stereotypically hooked noses, and blatantly spreading hatred against Israel and the West. Much of these media methods have origins from the Third Reich.

None of this is to condone bad and immoral policies made by the West and Israel. On the contrary they should own up to them and be held accountable. It’s fair to say Western and Israeli influence on the Middle East has often been negative. However, the same must be said about the countries in regions. Only by owning up and learning from their mistakes can they leave behind all the hate and rage that has done nothing but ill for their peoples.

Yet, considering these states often harness such hate and rage to distract their peoples from their authoritarian and often corrupt rule, we shouldn’t hold our breaths.